Picture this: community quarantine is extended until mid-May and your kids are stuck at home with their gadgets and the heat of summer keeping them company. Are you feeling like you need to do something more productive? Do they miss school (we honestly do!)? Is cabin fever starting to creep up on them?
We’ve found that learning doesn’t have to stop because the rest of the world has. We also found that now is the best time to learn a new skill (or two) because they now have the best gift they can possibly have: TIME. Now that regular school is officially over, they have the time to do whatever they want that can:
- Keep them busy and productive
AND - Get their brains functioning for at least an hour or two every day.
We have the perfect solution for you. We in AHEAD believe that education is very important (especially at this time) and that it should be accessible to those who are willing to learn, even from the comfort of their own homes. That said, we’re opening our virtual doors to our SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM focused on Singapore Math — absolutely FREE.
Free? Seriously?
Yes, seriously! We are committed to make virtual learning accessible and possible for those who are looking to be more productive this summer, and to get ahead before the next school year begins. This would also serve as a good escape from social media and all the news we see day in, day out on our phones and on TV. So why not let the kids learn and keep it fun this summer, right?
Instead of allowing your children to count sheep before they sleep, why not help them ramp up their Math skills and stay ahead?
What Classes can the Kids Sign Up for?
Here’s the list of classes they can sign up for + their corresponding schedules. This is happening VERY SOON, so we highly suggest that you help them sign up TODAY before our slots are filled up!
April 27
- Grade 4: Rounding Numbers and Decimals
- Grade 5: Perimeter in Shapes
- Grade 6: Discount Price
April 29
- Grade 4: Finding the Area
- Grade 5: Tesselation
- Grade 6: Measuring the Mass
May 1
- Grade 4: Word Problems
- Grade 5: Word Problems
- Grade 6: Word Problems
Will this be offered again next month?
Unfortunately no, as we have other classes scheduled in the coming weeks…so we highly encourage you to take this free opportunity for your children while you can. They’re getting premium Singapore Math lessons while they’re in their pajamas—absolutely FREE. You’re essentially giving them the best of both worlds.
What else is there to think about?
- It’s 100% free
- Your children will be taught by AHEAD’s finest teachers at no cost
- They will have access to lessons that would have been typically paid for before the ECQ happened
- No hidden charges or fine-print whatsoever
- Absolutely no strings attached
Excited? So are we! Click on this LINK to sign them up!
We’re excited to have your children join our Singapore Math SEP in a few days! Hope to see them there! 🙂
Written by: Elise Rendon