In this day and age, it is easy to get information about society, since the Internet allows us to get information about the world in seconds. Due to this it has become much easier to learn more about what is going on in society. However, children not only need to learn to be socially aware, but they also need to have a proper perspective on things. Here’s how you can teach the kids about social awareness.
Teach Them How to Distinguish Fake News
First, before going along on the road to social awareness, the first thing you need to teach the kids is how to filter out the real from the fake. This is because not all information on the internet is true, due to social media not having an intensive editing process like traditional media. Also, the kids need to learn how to distinguish satire from other kinds of information. So, teach the kids how to know if something is true, by checking the source. Learning to filter out fake news will also help them become critical thinkers, which is crucial in day-to-day living.
Discuss Relevant Social Issues With Them
Also, to get the kids to become socially aware, it is very important to discuss social issues with them. In ACIL, I once headed a project, named Discuss sa Bus, where, after a teaching session, we discussed relevant social issues on the way back to Ateneo. When I facilitated, I would try to gather insights from my fellow catechists, so we would learn more about the contexts of the children we taught. The most insightful Discuss we had was during the Marcos burial, where we not only discussed the issue, but let out the pain we felt for the country. So, just like what happened in Discuss, facilitate the discussion, but let your kids speak, so they can express how they feel about certain issues.
Read the Newspaper With Them
Another good way to teach the kids how to be socially aware is to read the newspaper with them. This is because even if there are other ways to learn the news, like television, radio, and even Facebook, newspapers discuss a variety of topics, like the stock market, historical details, and even rants coming from readers. So, unlike television news programs, newspapers can help readers be aware of many aspects of society, since they cover a variety of topics.
Allow the Kids to Immerse in Daily Activities
Also, facing the challenges of everyday life can help kids become socially aware, for they not only get to see the big issues, but the everyday issues that people normally face. For example, allowing them to visit the sari-sari/general store with you will expose them to what is going on in your barangay/village. Allowing them to shop with you, either in the grocery or the public market, can also teach them how to be aware about ups and downs in the economy, due to exposure to price changes. As a result, the best way to teach your kids, dear parents, about social awareness is to use daily living to educate them.
Social Awareness Starts in the Home
In the end, it is important to remember that social awareness must start in the home, so you can effectively guide your kids. This is to ensure they are aware with what is going on in their surroundings, but with guidance, to ensure their values remain intact. After all, parents will forever be their children’s first teachers, so teach them well.