In the 1960s, Tony Buzan, a British psychologist, had become interested with memory and learning. While he was studying psychology, English, mathematics, and science at the University of British Columbia, he noticed that some students who doodled on their study notes got high grades in their examinations. Buzan investigated further and discovered that doodles had been used by geniuses like Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Einstein. However, these doodles contain keywords connected with pictures. Based on these, Buzan formulated and trademarked a note-taking tool that he called “mind maps”.
What are mind maps? Mind maps are visual and written representation of ideas wherein keywords and images are used instead of paragraphs or bullets. By using these specific details, the information becomes easy to understand and easy to remember. Mind maps are also meant to represent our thought process and organize our ideas. Scientifically, our brain is composed of neurons that are connected to each other. In making mind maps, the keywords and images are associated with each other, representing the more natural flow and connection of ideas in our heads. Therefore, mind maps are extremely logical and coherent, and the best thing, they are colorful and creative.
Making mind maps is easy to do and the materials needed are easy to get. To draw a memory mind map, you only need a blank sheet of white paper, colorful pens, and your imagination. Here are the steps in making a mind map:
1. Turn the paper on to its side and have it in landscape view.
2. Draw a picture in the center of the page that is related to the topic.
3. Choose any color in making curvy lines that branch off the central image. Make the branches thicker where they join on and have them thinner at the ends.
4. Write your ideas in capital letters above the branches.
5.Let your imagination run wild and connect your ideas from the main topics down to the other details. Each branch and the connected ideas should have only one color. The other ideas should have their own color.
After you have written down all your ideas, you will have a colorful masterpiece that represents how you think and what you want to express. Amazingly, your ideas are noted down in only one page! These mind maps can be your reviewer, essay planner, or graphic organizer.
Mind maps are very helpful not only to students, but also to teachers, parents, and practically anyone. They are easy and fun to do and most importantly, doing mind maps is not very time-consuming. So if you want to ace your exams, plan your amazing dreams, and brainstorm novel ideas, just wear your thinking caps and use mind maps.
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